Hormo-Nova Clinic

Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing you with exceptional services tailored to your individual needs.

Our Mission

At Hormo-Nova, we’re committed to optimizing everyone’s hormonal well-being. Our mission is to provide quality hormone therapy services, combined with accessible preventive care. Guided by compassion and expertise, we create a personalized, educational and reassuring care experience to promote a fulfilled and balanced life.

Our team

Meet our dedicated team of hormone therapy and preventive health experts at Hormo-Nova. We are committed to providing you with high-quality, personalized care to balance your hormones and enhance your overall well-being. Discover our team members and their expertise to unlock your optimal health.

Our values at Hormo-Nova


We place compassion at the heart of our care, understanding the unique needs of each individual and offering empathetic support throughout their healthcare


We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our services, ensuring transparency, honesty and respect in our interactions.



We empower individuals to take charge of their health, providing information, resources and support to help them make informed decisions and improve their well-being.



Every individual is unique, and we are committed to tailoring our services to meet the specific needs of each patient, ensuring an individualized approach to care.



Our values at Hormo-Nova


We place compassion at the heart of our care, understanding the unique needs of each individual and offering empathetic support throughout their healthcare journey.


We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our services, ensuring transparency, honesty and respect in our interactions.


We empower individuals to take charge of their health, providing information, resources and support to help them make informed decisions and improve their well-being.


Every individual is unique, and we are committed to tailoring our services to meet the specific needs of each patient, ensuring an individualized approach to care.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is bioidentical hormone therapy and how can it help me?
Bioidentical hormone therapy involves the use of hormones identical to those your body produces naturally. This therapy can be used to treat imbalances or deficiencies that may affect your overall health. It is tailored to your individual needs and provides a personalized approach to improving your well-being.
Who can benefit from our services?
Adults of all ages who have concerns or problems related to their hormonal or sexual health can benefit from our services. Whether you’re dealing with hormonal imbalances, erectile dysfunction, low libido or other sexual health issues, our clinic is equipped to provide the care you need.
How do I know if I need sexual health services?
If you’re experiencing symptoms that affect your sexual health or satisfaction, such as changes in sexual desire, difficulties in sexual performance or discomfort during intercourse, it may be time to seek our services. What’s more, if you’d like to explore bioidentical hormone therapy as a way of improving your overall well-being, our experts can provide advice and support.
What can I expect at my first visit?
Your first visit will include a thorough consultation. We’ll discuss your medical history, sexual health concerns and treatment goals. Depending on your situation, we may also perform a physical examination and recommend diagnostic tests to better understand your needs.
How long does it take to see results with hormone therapy treatments?
The time it takes to notice results may vary depending on the type of treatment and your specific condition. Some patients may see improvements within a few weeks, while others may need a longer period of time to see significant changes. Our team will work with you to set realistic expectations and provide ongoing support throughout your treatment.
Is bioidentical hormone therapy safe?
Bioidentical hormone therapy is considered safe for many people when administered under the guidance of experienced professionals. We closely monitor your treatment to ensure optimal dosing and minimize potential side effects, adjusting your treatment as necessary to achieve the best results.
Will my privacy be protected?
Absolutely. We adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality and privacy for all our patients.
How can I make an appointment?
To book an appointment or find out more about our healthcare services, please contact our clinic or book an appointment directly online.


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