Hormonal Health Clinic

Discover hormonal balance with our specialized hormone therapy clinic. We offer personalized solutions to optimize your well-being. Explore the benefits of a balanced life today.

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About Our Clinic

At Hormo-Nova, we dedicate our expertise to the hormonal balance of women and men. Our clinic offers personalized hormone therapy solutions for optimal well-being.

Our qualified team takes a caring approach. Understanding your uniqueness allows us to create customized treatment plans, whether you’re looking to manage the symptoms of perimenopause or andropause, or regulate your hormones.

Committed to innovation, we keep abreast of the latest studies in hormone therapy and sexual health. Based on scientific evidence, our treatments incorporate the latest technologies to offer you modern, effective solutions. At Hormo-Nova, your well-being is our priority.

Book online

Book your consultation now to begin your journey to optimal hormonal well-being. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Our services

We offer a full range of services, from perimenopause management and contraception to STI screening and gynecological services. Our experienced team is dedicated to your hormonal well-being, offering personalized solutions and attentive care.


Together, we can work to harmonize your life using customized solutions with bioidentical therapy, so you can regain optimal hormonal balance and enjoy a better quality of life. Our experts take care of your unique well-being.


We understand the importance of sexual health and overall well-being. At Hormo-Nova Clinic, we’re committed to providing comprehensive, confidential sexual health services tailored to your individual needs.


Put your health first with our preventive and medical services, including STI screening, cervical cancer screening (Pap Test) and vaccination.


Specializing in hormonal balance and well-being, our Bioidentical hormone therapy and naturopathy service offers personalized solutions. We combine natural medicine with bio-identical hormone therapies to restore vitality and health holistically.
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